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그린리더십 교과과정 Green Leadership Certificate Program



  • University as a higher education institution has the social responsibility of producing future leaders. SNU has chosen to develop a Green Leadership Certificate Program since 2011, enabling their students to approach environmental problems from multiple angles.
  • The conventional education which focuses on knowledge accumulation in a specified field will be insufficient, if our students are to lead the paradigm shift into a sustainable society.
  • What is required, therefore, is a curriculum that integrates knowledge from multiple disciplines, and offers an opportunity to develop leadship skills.
  • While there are different methods and pedagogies of fostering Green Leadership, SNU has chosen to develop a Green Leadership Certificate Program, the fulfillment of which will be a awarded a Green Leadership Certificate by the Ministry of Environment. This is so that all willing students from all departments and colleges may benefit from the program.

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그린리더십 교과과정 (Green Leadership Certificate Program)
주소 : (우)06130, 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 지속가능발전연구소
대표전화 : 02-880-2665 , 팩스 : 02-588-4993, 웹사이트 : https://isd.snu.ac.kr/greenleadership/ Copyright © Green Leadership Certificate Program. All Rights Reserved.